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Star Performers

Meet the outstanding performers in our industry-award-winning team of professionals.

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Conor Murphy

Chief Executive Officer

Jeremy Law

Chief Commercial Officer

Kyle Van Der Net

Chief Financial Officer

Roberto Ruggeri

Compliance Director

Sam Lee

Director – Asia Pacific Region

Jordan Smith

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Luke Northcott

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Alex Smith

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Mark Miller

Director – Middle East & North Africa Region

Tony Chryseliou

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Karina Meirane

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Timothy Aspinall

Senior Financial Protection Adviser

Ross Murphy

Head of Private Clients

Winston Hashtroodi

Head of Commercial Finance

Wentao Zhang

Senior Adviser & Head of China Desk

Mason Elliott

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Roberto Seresoan

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Anthony Rogers

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

James Storer

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Gavin Fitch

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Raj Thamaran

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Krishan Beri

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Armani Simpson

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Lewis Hutton

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Tony Sulic

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Ross Culley

Senior Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Kasthuri Thevarajaha

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Brandon Liu

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Zsófia Hölbling

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Yusuf Iqbal

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Sean Keller

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Tyke Pillay

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Britanny Zonzolo

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Robin Purnell

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Jason Chan

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Albano Toska

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Lawrence Lou

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Valerija Seveliova

Commercial Finance Specialist

Romeo Toska

Mortgage & protection adviser

John Smyth

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Jelena Petrova

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Tianna Ma

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

James Hamber

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Pedro Andrade

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Saranjit Singh

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Joe Freeman

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Matthew Luckman

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

James Seewer

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Judy Huynh

Mortgage & Protection Adviser – Hong Kong 香港

Manny Esezobor

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Wenpei Wu

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Henry Beard

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Alex Charlton

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Jacob Furniss

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Michael Anastasiou

Mortgage & Protection Advisor

Sarah Jiang

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Samuel Lim

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Simon John Clarke

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Sachin Bhurabhai

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Dale Shaw

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Franceska Mana

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Farzin Fakouri

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Martin Zeps

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Julia Isaeva

Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Gizem Tasan

Commercial Finance Broker

Karwan Baban

Equity Release, Mortgage & Protection

Mark Harkin

Financial Protection Adviser

Jack Phelps

Financial Protection Adviser

Harvey Grewal

Senior Financial Protection Adviser

Andrew Willcox

Financial Protection Adviser

Bhavik Somani

Junior Protection Adviser

Amandeep Hanjra

Finance Manager

Billel Zardoumi

Head of General Insurance

Sherene Jean-Charles

GI Consultant

Philip Kelly

Senior Mortgage Administrator

Tyron Garcia

Mortgage Administrator

Patricia Niederberger

Mortgage Administrator

Kirill Korolev

Mortgage Administrator

Brooke Mercer

Mortgage Administrator

Mohammed Al-Mosewi

Mortgage Administrator

Angel Chan

Mortgage Administrator

Emelia Nasution

Mortgage Administrator

Emma Finch

Concierge Consultant
Found 83 Results

Here at Capricorn all of our Senior Advisers have the full Mortgage Diploma, the highest level of Mortgage Qualification you can obtain in the U.K.
This is our commitment to quality and to delivering the highest level of Advice at all times.

For the best outcomes,
only the best Advisers
will suffice.

Positive outcome is a result of individual actions. It’s why we insist on top performers at every level. All our Advisers are chosen not only for their experience and knowledge but also their commitment to clients. We fully support their ongoing professional development to ensure that they remain appropriately qualified, technically able and always ahead of the game.

Contact us to find out more - or call +44 203 111 0900